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How many years in the industry?

21 years 


 Where are you from? 

Saskatoon, Sk


What is your favorite food and drink?

My favorite food is steak, lobster, pasta, and sushi, I mean the list goes on I like food a lot haha 

My favorite drink is coffee, wine and water:)


Where’s the coolest place you travelled?

Toss up between Barcelona and New Orleans. 


Why did you choose this industry?

 I have always had the passion for hair. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I have always weighed my options when thinking about my future career as an adult and it just kept circling back to hair styling. I have never looked back. 


Tell us something about your self:

I have two very busy boys, a husband and the cutest dog named Ritz. I played soccer for my whole life and went to Sweden for a tournament when I was 16 years old. 


I come from a family of 4 siblings. I am the 3rd child which might explain a lot of things about me lol. I love family time and enjoying some night outs with friends. My favourite place to enjoy family and friends is the cabin. 

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